Machine Shop: Hype Machine Team Blog

Amazon’s 3 Free MP3s

Hey, what’d you get with your $3 credit at the Amazon MP3 store this week? We’ve been sharing the promotion on our site, so we wanted to share what we did with it, too.

Earlimart—Happy Alone
Caribou—Melody Day (Four Tet Remix)
Regina Spektor—Laughing With

Bob Dylan—I Want You
Televison—Marquee Moon
Ringtone: Mario Pipe Warp!

unconfirmed, but most likely Lady GaGa

Radio Dev:
Keenhouse—The Rendez-vous
London Elektricity—Just One Second
Andy Lewis & Paul Weller—Are You Trying To Be Lonely?

Sadly, the Hype Machinists currently traveling outside the US could only see this:

If you are in the United States, tell us what songs you got! Guilty pleasures? Remixes? Or just credit toward a full album?

Music Hack Day Boston Wrap up: It Rocked!

Music Hack Day Boston was the best music tech event I’ve recently attended.  The first one was held in London this summer and was organized by Dave Haynes.  The idea is simple: get a lot of techies that love music in a room and create a space where they can experiment with each other’s API and tools. Then show off the results and inspire.

The organizers of the Boston event, Dave Haynes, Jon Pierce and Paul Lamere, thought out everything and executed it diligently with a ton of integrity.  This is what happens when people genuinely set out to make an event where the right people gather, participate, and just feel comfortable. Thanks guys!

So, what was awesome about Music Hack Day Boston?

1. The space.  Microsoft may be evil but they sure know how to support a variety of smaller non-evil tech communities in Boston.  The Microsoft New England Research & Development (it spells NERD, you see) Center is a large space on the edge of the MIT campus that has a bunch of meeting rooms of various sizes, quiet corners and a ton of power outlets and seating.  Most of the space is set up in an open way, making it easy for new people to join a group hacking or talking, but leaving enough space between the groups so as to not get too crowded.  My understanding is that this is just one in a series of different social tech events that MS has allowed to use this space.  Very cool.

2. The Internet worked.  Sure, it lagged at times, but serious credit is due to any wireless network that survives a few hundred savvy tech people with laptops.  I can count the number of conferences I’ve attended that had functional connectivity, at all, on one hand.

3. There were just three panels.  This removed the pressure from the organizers to fill panels with important-sounding people and wasted no time.  It also made each panel more of an event, which made everyone participate more.  Suddenly, the panels were also worth attending.

4. More specific to the panel I was on: our moderator, Chris Dahlen, a writer for Pitchfork, the Onion (& more) was a total badass.  He was flawlessly prepared, asked good questions and created excellent, effortless conversation flow.  Then, that conversation set up a good base that let the audience ask interesting questions.  This was one my favorite panels to have been on in a long time.

5. It was actually a hack day (as a follow up to #3).  Most of the time was allocated to workshops where anyone willing was able to show off their API and tools.  This even allowed sponsors to participate in the event in a cool way – Yahoo was one of the event sponsors, and so Ben Ward talked about YQL/Yahoo Developer Network/etc.  Same for the Echonest, and hey, their API are from the future, anyway.

Perfect fit.

There was also space and equipment for hardware hacking (circuit bending) and learning.  I didn’t play there much, but the chirping, strange sounds and frequent ‘whoa’s from the hardware table spoke for themselves.  Jimmie Rodgers was patient and generous in showing how to tinker with these noisy circuits.

6. Tons of opportunities to hang out with great people.  The genuine nature of the event gathered a great group of people that actually create and build things on the web:  developers from a representative set of innovative music/web companies, as well as those who tinker and experiment with music and tech outside of the confines of the browser.  They were all easy to find on the event floor.  Some of them weren’t hacking, and thus talking.  I was planning on building something, but totally got distracted by the people.  Dave, Jon and Paul deserve a ton of credit for making an environment where this was possible.

7. No goodie bags.  There was a table with stickers, pins and t-shirts.  That’s cool and all you ever really need.  People empty out goodie bags and keep the totes for grocery shopping, if at all.

8. The event was free.  This is often a moot point for many events anyway as a lot of people are invited and get in free, and thus limited revenue comes from tickets.  The fact that the organizers were able to get the event sponsored well and placed in a donated space allowed it to be the most open event possible and added to the community vibe.

Oh yeah, and since this was a hack day, it ended with quick 3 minute demos of the hacks!  I had to catch a bus out of Boston before all the demos were done, but among the hacks:

Top 10 Music Blogs You Haven’t Heard (or Read)

When John Seroff of The Tofuhut and Sean Michaels of Said the Gramophone lamented the uniformity of music blogs in the Music Blogger Roundtable discussion, we knew we could find some to restore their faith.

We’ve listed Top 10 Music Blogs You Haven’t Heard (or Read) over on Check them out—you just might fall in love with something unexpected.

Here’s the list:
Armchair Spasm (visit site)
Awesome Tapes From Africa (visit site)
Berezzka (visit site)
Doklands (visit site)
Funky16Corners (visit site)
Such Loud Noise (visit site)
Swan Fungus (visit site)
Undomondo (visit site)
Urban Flute Project (visit site)
WMFU’s Beware of the Blog (visit site)

Are you following any wonderful, weird blogs we don’t know about yet? Tell us in the comments.

Worthy reading: Music Bloggers Roundtable Part 1 & 2

Five years ago, in August 2004, The Morning News asked six music bloggers to talk about “the newest frontier in online music sharing”:

Roundtable: MP3 Bloggers, August 2004

With the help of Mike Smith, The Morning News revisited this topic earlier this year to have a second such roundtable on the topic.

Music Bloggers Roundtable Redux, July 2009

More on this later, but these two sets of interviews offer a unique perspective into where music blogs were and where they’ve arrived today, without marketing speak or hidden agendas.

The Miracle in July

The Miracle in July is a modern love story told in the most modern way possible: via a vibrant set of photos, music and maps all published via an elegant WordPress installation.

The author, Michelle Anderson, explains:

“Videos, images and music created specifically for this story will be embedded to help submerge the reader into the experience of falling in love online. New interactive elements will be added as I discover them. With sound, words, images and hyperlinks, this digital story is an experiment in interactive sculpting, using tools available to anyone with a connection to the Internet.”

There is much more to say about this, but it’s better to just dive in!

Also nice to find out that much of the music in the story was discovered via the Hype Machine and


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