Just in case you missed it, we’ll be wrapping up the T-Shirt RSVP form soon. We aren’t accepting payments yet, but you can RSVP a shirt, leave your email and we’ll drop you a note when they are ready!
We’re really excited to launch some new features we’ve been working on. If you check out your Dashboard page you will see our new+improved layout.
Here’s a full run-down:
Loved Tracks: We now show your loved tracks by default when you come to your Dashboard page
Everything: This is what the old “Love Feed” was, a mixture of tracks from your favorite Blogs, Friends and Searches
via Blogs: Only tracks from your favorite blogs
via Friends: Only tracks from your favorite people
via Searches: Only tracks from your favorite searches (which can be an artist name, a song name, anything really)
Listening History:
Your History: Just like Last.FM, we now keep track of what you play on the Hype Machine
Your Obsessions: Similar to Your History but shows you the tracks you just can’t get enough of. Good for people like Anthony, who play a track so much they wear the MP3 out.
Friends’ History: Check out what your friends are listening to right now. Live social recommendations sans effort!
Friends’ Obsessions My favorite new feature, this shows you what all your friends have been playing over and over and over. If a “loved” track from a friend is a good recommendation, this filters that list to the very best.
We’ve also updated the Spy page to include filters by country and popular states/provinces. So you can spy on what people in Quebec, Canada or even Japan are listening to right now!
More paths of discovery to come! Let us know what you think.
Remember that contest we ran giving away awesome Vling Vling vinyl jewelry? Well we finally got our own paws on some of those custom heart bubble necklaces we sent to the winners and we think they are H-O-T.
We only worked with James to create enough for the winners (and our team) but we’d love to hear your thoughts on us creating/selling more here at Hype Machine. Girls, would you wear these? Would you pay for these?
In the meantime, if you are craving some vinyl jewelry of your own (that isn’t the Hype Machine heart bubble) you can check out the rest of VlingVling‘s offerings and enter code HYPEM at checkout for 15% off your order.
It was also reassuring that their music awards, like best album, artist, live show etc were very reminescent of our recent Music Blog Zeitgeist.
SXSW 2008 in Austin, Texas
SXSW was incredible. Spending so much time around people that actually create and design things we use and love (and things we didn’t know existed!) was very inspiring.
It doesn’t do it justice, but here are is a short sampling of some of our experiences:
Scott Perry (New Music Tipsheet), Anthony, Rachel (from KCRW), and Taylor at the FADER Fort
Tantek, Hannah and Matt (from Last.FM), Anthony
Scott and Alexis Ohanian (from Reddit) at Gawker Media’s Party
The PureVolume Ranch (aka our home from 12am-4am every night for 10 days)
Graveyard, a rock band from Sweden was my favorite performance of the week. Listen on HypeM
The most web-cred crowd ever at the Emmy The Great Show. Seen in the crowd: Anthony, Taylor, Scott, Robert (from Donewaiting), Frank (from Chromewaves), Matt, Hannah, Jonas and Jeff (Last.FM), and Chirag (from Sched.org/Chime.TV)
Teaser: Look for actual awesome new features later this week 🙂
Hype Machine indexes hundreds of music sites and collects their latest posts for easy streaming and discovery. We're here to help you find the best new music first.