Machine Shop: Hype Machine Team Blog

SXSW 2008: Hype Machine Goes To Austin

2 days away till my favorite week of the year begins! This will be Scott’s and my 4th SXSW and Anthony’s first (!!!). Zoya is staying behind to take care of the LOLCats, but she will be missed! This week is all excitement and the week after will be complete exhaustion 🙂

If you are one of the lucky ones also attending SXSW this year, you will *love* a little webapp my friend Chirag and I put together last week.

SCHED: The SXSW Scheduler

It’s called SCHED and is the ultimate SXSW scheduling website. We include ALL official panels, films, and bands as well as all the unofficial shows and parties we can get our hands on. You can save + share with your friends, and it’s even set up with a map for printing.

We’d love to meet you! You can check out our Team Hype group schedule to see stuff we’ll be attending. We’ll be in Austin from March 7th to the 16th; we’re in it for the loooong haul!

And don’t forget the PLUG Awards are tomorrow night! If you sign up over at the Dell Lounge you can get access to the live webcast of it starting at 8PM tomorrow night (Thursday, March 6).

Last.FM + Hype Machine = Scrobbling Awesomeness

The Hype Machine team are long time Last.FM users (and fans!). We also listen to a lot of music on the Hype Machine, so why not have that music show up on your Last.FM profile? I, for one, always wonder, if I heard a song but it didn’t get scrobbled, did I really listen to it?

Well now you can!

Just go to the homepage and then click “Settings” in the black toolbar. Once you enter your user/pass, just go back to enjoying music on the Hype Machine. All your tracks will be scrobbled to your Last.FM profile page.

While we’re on a roll, we’ve also set up a group for the Hype Machine on Last.FM so you can connect with other Last.FM users and share your HypeM profiles.

This is how music on the web should work, services playing with each other to create meaningful awesomeness 🙂

UPDATE 2008/03/13: Scrobbling is once again operational!

I Heart Contest Winners!

We’ve finally chosen our winners! Thanks to all who participated, we had 184 total images submitted. In no particular order, here were our favorite 10:

By Cristina

By Laura

By The Bridge Club 5

By Iain

By Marky

By Benjamin B

By Sam Thompson

By Mischeif

By Caitlin

By Oli Sabin

Each winner gets 1 pair of earrings of their choice from and a custom made heart-bubble necklace just for Hype Machine!

I will be contacting the winners via email about their prizes! Thanks everyone!

The Contestants

We had SUCH an awesome response to our contest. Thank you to everyone for entering! These are a blast to flip through. We’ll be posting the winners soon!

Here’s a slideshow of all the entries:

View all 182 entries on Flickr

A bit behind schedule, but hey I’m in Mexico for a week, our internet is slower here 😛

I Heart Contest!

The contest is now closed, we will be announcing winners soon!

We’re throwing a contest to give away some sweet swag!

Photo by My Daily Struggle on Flickr.

Contest: Download the heart bubble graphic below and put it into any photo (your photo or one you have permission to use). Get creative! Photoshop it on cats, babies, record label executives or anything else you can come up with.

Heart Graphics: 800px wide | 400px wide | 200px wide | 100px wide

Upload it to any photosharing site and provide a link in the comments below. Team Hype will pick 10 favorites and announce the winners on Monday (Feb 18th). We’ll also use them around our site (for house ads, promoting new features on our site, etc)

Prizes! Original Vinyl Jewelry by Vling

James DesRochers from Vling (Vinyl+Bling!) makes awesome jewelry out of old records. He is creating some awesome pieces for the prizes! Each winner will receive a pair of earrings of their choice (over 25 designs on AND a custom-made necklace of the heart bubble graphic made just for Hype Machine! Take it for yourself or give to your sugar mama, you can’t go wrong.


Hype Machine indexes hundreds of music sites and collects their latest posts for easy streaming and discovery. We're here to help you find the best new music first.

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